Diabetes and Counting Carbs (25 Min)
Do you have diabetes ort prediabetes and not sure how to count carbohydrates or how many carbohydrates you should be eating? Join Melva, MS, RDN, CDCES to learn 1 simple trick that will make carbohydrate counting easy.
Maintain Not Gain During the Holidays (35 Min)
Love the holidays but hate what it does to your waist line? Join Teri Elkins, MPH, CHES to learn how to create a balanced holiday plate. Ways to modify your favorite holiday recipes and strategies to stay on track during this holiday season.
Risk of Type 2 Diabetes (25 Min)
If you are 45 or older, overweight, have a family history of type 2 diabetes, or had diabetes while you were pregnant, you may be at risk for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. Join Teri Elkins, MPH, CHES, to learn how make modest lifestyle changes
Challenges with Nutrition and Diabetes (30 Min)
Eating to control your blood sugar can be challenging. Please join Teri Elkins, MPH, CHES to discuss strategies for planning ahead and meal adjustments to make all foods fit.
Diving into Diabetes (60 Min)
Please join Sun Health Registered Dietitian and Diabetes education expert Damian Plues to learn about what is diabetes and what does it mean for you and your loved ones.
Deciphering Food Labels (30 Min)
Have you ever looked at a food package or nutrition label and wondered what it means? The front is designed to sell you the product, but there is important information on the back. Join Teri Elkins, MPH, CHES, to learn how to decipher food labels.
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